Buddy System

Bring your bestie! My bestie and I have been pals since 2007 but we found a new level of friendship when we started camping together. You learn to trust one another in new ways, depend on each other in constructive ways, and take care of each other in case of an emergency. Plus all that time in the office on G Chat comparing gear and making a plan is a great use of paid time!


I, like so many people, have a high pressure job staring at a computer most of every day while working with medical organizations and institutions such as themedicaloncologygroup.com so time spent away from the office, in the wilderness, worrying about things like safe drinking water and procuring firewood is a great brain reset from the mundane day-to-day-ness of living life in a major metropolitan area. It’s hard to worry about things like how many likes I’m getting on Instagram when I’m trying to figure out which way north is to make my way back to my camp site!