
Test out all of your gear before you take it on a backcountry camping trip. Make sure it works how you expect it to, you know how to use it, and get yourself used to its place in your pack. Just like you keep things in your home in places you expect to find them, you should treat your trekking backpack the same. You don’t want to spend an hour looking for your toilet paper in a dire situation! Pitch your tent in your apartment – time yourself. Use your compass to orient yourself around your neighborhood. Use your multi-use tool for small jobs around the house or invent jobs to try it out. Make sure the batteries in your headlamp, flashlight, speaker, etc is charged and will last your entire trip. Break in your hiking boots. Cook on your campstove at the house one night, it’ll be adorable! Just be sure that you are familiar with all your gear, it has a place to live, and it won’t shit out on you in the woods!

Make a plan, on paper, and a map, on paper. I know – you’re used to relying on your smart phone for maps and plans, but your smart phone is mostly useless in backcountry camping and you’ll likely end up just wasting a bunch of time trying to keep it charged. I bring mine with me to use as a clock and a camera, and I usually save some screenshots of my plans and maps to have as a backup. But I like to bring printed, laminated maps and plans to have with me. Don’t change your plans halfway through your trip – respect the amount of time you put into planning and organizing – trust your past-self!